PhoneLab Data Format

Once you have received the data you requested the next step is to process it. PhoneLab provides some of our own tools as is to help with this process and we encourage experiments to reuse and contribute to them. However, if you have your own tools the following documentation on the structure of our data archives and files will be helpful.

Archive Format

The resulting TAR archive we will provide to IRB-approved experimenters consists of one file per device per tag per day structured as follows: device_identifier/tag/year/month/day.out.gz, so as an example b3793ae1229920c02b564adbc200780168cd42ed/Location-Misc-PhoneLab/2014/11/19.out.gz. When generating these these files we have attempted to ensure the following:

  • All log messages are captured. Our data collection tools make every effort to recover all generated log messages: including configuring large Linux log buffers in our platform image and caching up to several days worth of log messages on each device between uploads. However, these measures are obviously not foolproof and experimenters are encouraged to implement their own reliability mechanisms as needed to detect missing log tags. Also please see the note below on one important and well-known source of missing logs: early boot.
  • Each file is sorted by time. However, this is complicated by the fact that in certain cases logcat can generate multiple log lines with identical timestamps—particularly if the logged data contains newlines. In the case of identical timestamps we defer to the order in which the lines were originally logged by logcat, and when processing identical timestamps split across multiple files, the order in which the files were uploaded to the PhoneLab backend.
  • Duplicate log lines are omitted. Our efforts to recover all log messages sometimes lead to duplicate logs being uploaded or log files being processed twice, but we attempt to remove duplicate messages during post-processing. However, this is complicated by the lack of timestamp uniqueness described above, which we work around in our logging helper classes using a unique ID embedded in the JSON message. However, because deduplication is done during log processing only using the timestamp fields, duplicate messages may exist in the archive.

Missing Early Boot Logs

One well-known source of missing log messages are from messages generated early during Android boot. The problem arises because at this point the device does not yet have a network-provided date and time, and so log messages are timestamped as being generated in 1970—at the beginning of the Unix epoch. It would probably be possible to fix this problem by retroactively correcting early boot log message timestamps once a network-provided time is available, but have yet to implement this fix. At present, these timestamps will be (correctly) sorted into a 1970 tag file but (incorrectly) intermingled with many other log tags also generated during other boot cycles.

If you are running an experiment that requires early boot logs, please feel free to contact the PhoneLab team and we will see if we can come up with a better solution to the problem together. For now these logs will simply be omitted from all archives.

File Format

Each line in the file begins with the following standard fields. If you have worked with logcat before, this will look familiar to you, as many of the fields are taken directly from the logcat output. We describe each of the standard fields in more detail below, using several examples based on actual log messages uploaded by PhoneLab Director Geoffrey Challen’s device.

Device Identifier UNIX Timestamp Ordering Date and Time Process ID Thread ID Log Level Tag
7699f273... 1416261509970 1416261509970.0 2014-11-17 21:58:29.970997 769 1026 I Power-Battery-PhoneLab
7699f273... 1416261509970 1416261509970.1 2014-11-17 21:58:29.970997 879 1143 D Location-Misc-PhoneLab
  1. Device Identifier: A unique identifier for each device.
  2. UNIX Timestamp: Milliseconds since 1970. Note even at this resolution this timestamp is not guaranteed to be unique across all log messages, creating the need for the next field.
  3. Ordering: This field takes the form milliseconds_since_1970.order_in_upload_file. For log messages that do not share a timestamp with any other line, it will be milliseconds_since_1970.0. In other cases it will be set as shown in the two examples above. Note that this is only sufficient to provide an ordering for identically-timestamped messages in the same file; cross-file ordering is still not handled properly by our tool chain. Also note that this example is contrived as identical timestamps occur most often due to (1) multiple logcat messages on neighboring lines of the same app or (2) logcat messages that contain newlines.
  4. Date and Time: Human-readable date and timestamp using the device’s locale. In this case the timestamps are in Eastern Standard Time (EST).
  5. Process and Thread IDs: Fairly self-explanatory.
  6. Log Level: Android uses verbose (V), debug (D), info (I), warning (W) and error (E) log levels on a per-message basis. This page has more details.
  7. Tag: Log messages are either generated by the instrumentation we have added or by existing logging included in the Android platform by default or left enabled by many apps after deployment—despite Android’s suggestions to the contrary.

These fields are following by a log message as a single string, which can be up to 64k characters long—but hopefully nowhere close to that limit! Obviously the format of the log string varies based on what is being recorded, but here are a few examples. First, a JSON-formatted log string generated by our tools under the Power-Battery-PhoneLab tag, with internal fields that are self-explanatory:


And second, an example of something not formatted in JSON—in this case, garbage collection output generated under the dalvikvm tag:

GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 259K, 6% free 18632K/19680K, paused 16ms, total 16m

PhoneLab Cruncher


revise this section about cruncher.

The PhoneLab cruncher is our own early attempt to produce a reasonably-efficient and kind-of user-friendly set of log post-processing tools. You are welcome to download, use, and modify it to suit your needs—just don’t expect us to support it. It should already support many of the log tags we have added to the PhoneLab platform, particularly ones we have used for our own experimental purposes.

The cruncher (ab)uses the Django object-relational mapper (ORM) to ease the process of manipulating a database in Python. Given that (1) importing logs from the files into the database and (2) processing the logs further to produce useful output are both potentially time-consuming, the cruncher splits log import and processing into three phases with different parallelization constraints, each of which can be repeated as needed during post-processing tool development:

  1. Log import: the process of importing logs from the flat files into the database is parallelized by log file, meaning that logs can be processed in any order in any queue. As a result, no relationships between log tags can be established or used during import. Instead, each log line should generate one (or many) database objects. Django’s transaction and bulk loading support are used to make this relatively quick.
  2. Per-device processing: the second stage is parallelized by device and provides the opportunity to combine information from multiple log messages. For example, separate messages logged during file open() and close() along with information about intervening read() and write() operations could be combined to create a single file session object. However, at this stage no cross-device relationships or statistics can be computed. The cruncher provides several different optimized iterators allowing code to loop over one or more of the objects created during the import stage—but again, strictly on a per-device basis.
  3. Final processing: once all per-device processing has completed cruncher code has access to all models from all devices and can compute overall statistics or generate graphs integrating data from the entire experiment.

Currently the cruncher is capable of making efficient use of multiple cores to maximize IO throughput when importing and processing logs, but not yet of using multiple machines to further parallelize the process. We are actively working on this feature. If you would like to help, we would welcome the assistance.